If he tries to duel, run to your minions, if not, don't follow, just try to last hit.As soon as you get 3, try to hit him, it is just a poke, get to farming. Q him or auto, it doesn't need to do a huge damage, just punish him. DO NOT FIGHT HIM IF YOU IF YOU DONT HAVE MAIDEN.

After normalising both champions win rates Yorick wins against Nasus 2.36 % more often than would be expected. Preferably get boots to use W and go in front of him during an all-in if the opportunity arises.Make him waste his ult. DD, you want it to have the sustain in the 1v1. I feel because I try to stack up ghouls, I auto push the lane so my jungler can’t gank either and I always put myself in a position where I get camped. DO NOT LET UP. yorick vs nasus mach up this match become hard sins the nerf how u play agaisnt him did u use conqueror or grasp i always go grasp do i need conquere agaisnt him. Te proporcionamos los mejores artículos para usar y estadísticas de emparejamiento detalladas. Yorick fucks nasus if played correctly IMOI usually go grasp but i go ninja tabis and bramble vest . Abuse bushes for minion aggro management. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts87,756 points (pls be patient i ask build questions)Cookies help us deliver our Services. Max E of course but i would be careful of raising gouls or R early in this matchup, instead push the wave and allow it to bounce so you can freeze near your tower, he should be pretty helpless at this point and you should be able just constantly burn his flash with your W and then kill. Always mind just last hitting until you need to really force it, but before you do have an idea where the jungler might be.Before lvl 6: as soon as you crash the wave, back to base, forget levels, you won't waste CS. Full ad all the way non of this bramble vest crap.I also run precision - conqueror>triumph>bloodline>last stand and domination - taste of blood>ravenous hunter into him and build DD but thats pretty standard for me. I'd like to hear what other builds/runes there are that work agains him.i go conq and build executioners first item. Mission: Plant vs Zombie. ¡Aprenda cómo yorick puede mejor contrarrestar a nasus! and don't push the lane, when it's level 3 is time to strikeWorth mentioning that once you get an advantage you SHOULD push the lane to make it difficult for him to farm.Kill him from lvl 2-11 and finish the game nice and afraid mals him your bitch in the early levls"Dig the dog a grave and put that pupper 6ft under by bullying him everytime he walk over for Q supper"Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. This doesn't stop his Q damage, but it stops the healing. I advice you googling how to freeze and slow push.You don't want to kill him, you want to keep him on edge.If by "auto-push" the lane you mean just hitting them and not making your wave crash into the tower, you're not auto-pushing, you're just making him a favor. I must admit I have trouble putting him down. i usually build a lot of armor against him. Don't bother too much trying to get plates, if tower is falling too soon, he will be able to play safe and scale and the jungler will have his eye on you.Instead, now that you have lane priority, go invade their jungle, try to make a play mid, heal your maiden on the base, teleport to botlane or picka pinky and go herald, and if you do, use it on another lane.let him farm. The match up is jars because he can get stacks off of your ghoulsI always go executioners calling or bramble vest aganist Nasus. Yorick vs Nasus Matchup Build & Runes. Secret phase: vs Yorick-No one will remember you, Yorick Mori - At last, poor Yorick (Shakespeare) vs Ghoul IBG, you get the Sheen passive (Yorick has one of the best base Ad in the game, so it'a a bust buy), 20%CD to cap your CD, so your E is in a really short Cooldown and with the slow of the Q (from IBG) you can run down anyone in your path.

Be patient and allow him to make the mistake of walking into E when he greeds for cannons b4 you make him suffer. mistake i do against nasus and i dont how to fix i try to harass him from getting stack i end up puching the wave to his tower It feels there aren’t many window of opportunity for doing damage and stopping him from stacking. Later in the game and with the correct items, it should be easy to kill him in a 1v1.Items, BC rush, very cheap item with great stats, the hp and CD it gives are nice and the Phage passive is heavly underated, you can either run him down if he makes a mistake or run away from him. Your goal is to outsustain him so if he does decide to think he is brave he get's wrecked by minions. Learn How Nasus Can Best Counter Yorick! Executioners if you wanna hold the tower and are afraid of him towerdiving, it should help agains his healing a bit, but you wont kill him and he can. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Just get stronger. Phase Rush, a very situational rune that I use it only in certain match-ups, I used it in this because I didnt trust my jg to come and help and the slow of Nasus is nasty af, with PR, I can run from him in early to mid game. Any tips?You can probably find better posts on this sub but here is how I go for it:Always be either behind your minions or right in front of the one he will try to stack. But if you just make him waste, he will have used his best way of sustain during battle and he will either back or play it safe, just beware of ganks.Now, whenever you shove the wave into his tower, not in front of his tower, not near his tower, on his tower. Steracks, gives you a fat shield and free tenacity.

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